Orders ship from our warehouse in Santa Ana, CA. We ship Domestic and International orders using FedEx and UPS, as well as select freight carriers and couriers.
If you would like a shipping estimate, please email us with your exact shipping address including your postal code.
Shipping Estimates
It is the buyer's responsibility to provide current, up-to-date and complete shipping address information when requesting an estimate. Please email [email protected] or call 1-714-558-8326 for an estimate.
Shipping Cut-Off Times
FedEx Ground: 4:00PM Pacific Standard Time
FedEx Express Saver, Economy, International, Standard or Priority Overnight: 4:00PM Pacific Standard Time
Freight: Varies Based on Service. Please email or call for further details.
UPS: 4:00PM Pacific Standard Time
Payment Options
Renew Technology accepts all major credit cards and PayPal.
If you would like to request payment terms, please email [email protected] or call 1-714-558-8326.
Please be assured that you can buy with confidence. Renew Technology will ship your equipment fully tested, in excellent working condition. If you experience any problem with the hardware, you may return most non-working, defective or incorrect items within 30 days of delivery for either exchange or a full refund. All returns must be accompanied by an RMA number. Please email us or call us toll-free at 1-714-558-8326 to obtain an RMA number.
Orders returned for reasons not described above may incur a 20% re-stocking fee.